What an age we live in! 10 years of development in health in only a few weeks.
As of the 30th of March 2020 patients on a medicare chronic disease plan for physio can do their consults entirely via telehealth and claim.
As of the 14th of April 2020 patients will be able to claim private health insurance for telehealth consultations with a physio. You must have seen a physio for the issue in the previous 6 months, or have a referral from a GP for any new issue.
We are also charging a significantly reduced rate of $60 per session and allowing half an hour for consults so we can properly assess and discuss the issue and then provide a meaningful treatment plan, which will likely utilise out free online rehab software Physiapp. We've a wealth of knowledge about how you can release tightness at home, and how to strengthen your body using whatever you have at your disposal.

There is good evidence that telehealth is an effective alternative when hands on, in room consults are not available and we have been set up for this service for years already.
We'll still be updating your rehab programs and checking on your progress for free like we always have, but if you need more specific assistance this is an excellent service with a team you already know and trust.
And right now the clinic is operating in a seriously reduced capacity. Telehealth is a great way for us to keep our team and community engaged, healthy and ready to be awesome once this passes.